We all have a flame burning within us, capable of illuminating every aspect of our lives.
Some people seem to excel more than others in the art of living, but they are not given a special gift, This unique gift has been given to all of us…
“There are journeys you make with one piece of luggage: the heart.”
Audrey Hepburn
In ancient cultures around the world, seeking one’s mission in life meant having the key to enter the spiritual realms. This research used to take the form of a retreat into nature or a pilgrimage. Through these extraordinary inner journeys, the sacred visions revealed the personal mission and the life purpose of those who set out to discover.
Are you ready to go through this research?
Participating in “A whole new Journey: Spirituality, Vitality, and Well-Being in Thailand” will allow you to let go of the past to learn to value the only time that can give life to your dreams and your desires: the present moment.
Daily worries at home and at work, keeping up with technology, raising a family, make it difficult to calm the mind and open the heart.
That’s why very few people really understand what forces have motivated their lives or shaped their destiny……that’s why we’ve forgotten how to listen to messages in the winds and how to learn wisdom from trees….that’s why this journey will be extraordinary: a new point of arrival from which to start again
Sun, Air, Earth, Sky, Silence will lead us back to the deep desires of our heart. You will be immersed in nature and it is through nature that changes in consciousness will begin to occur
Old memories will come to the surface to be resolved, to let go of the fear and to bring out a new meaning for your life. Healing massages and steam baths will rebalance and detoxify the energy lines of your body.Prayers and meditations, visits to sacred temples in the Thai forest in the company of mantras sung by Theravada monks and blessing ceremonies will help you to enlighten your spirit and gain renewed awareness.
“We are literally in love with Thailand, its nature, its temples, its culture, its sun, its food, its spirituality, its people. It rarely happens that so many magnificent and profound elements are available in one place. In this seminar, we have chosen to share our experience and our way of living on the island of Phuket so that others can also perceive the same magic and bring it into their lives.”
Activities and visits will alternate with workshop sessions In addition to enjoying the relaxation of unspoiled nature, we will visit a surprise location!
Discover How To Let Go Of Fears And Anxiety,Live With Renewed Energy And Strength, Re-Connect with Yourself And with The World
Manifest your Dreams.
I have lived this course without expectations … the result? I traveled to the borders of reality .. everything was there exactly where and how it should be, at the right point .. the smells … the images … the sensations … the awareness … the tears and the joy shared in one and a thousand more hugs …
Stefania Bartolotti
A powerful mix of everything that makes Life a journey of Love: sharing the beautiful, the sacred, being fragile and strong at the same time, all in a continuous discovery of different places and times. All of this, guided by the constant and loving attention and inspirations of Lucia and Nicola who with skill, elegance and profound professionalism always know how to support you and guide you toward your real success. Donatell
Donatella Ariotti
A powerful inner journey, guided step by step on a path of unprecedented awareness and growth. “Spirituality, Vitality, Wellbeing” has represented for me a watershed journey, facilitating the achievement of a new version of myself that deeply corresponds to who I really am, and what I really want. The dose of energy that you get from this “passage” is endless, I will always carry it with me! Thanks, Bless You!
Silvia Invernici
Thanks to you for giving me the opportunity to visit a wonderful country like Thailand with my daughter in complete safety. It has been a fantastic adventure that has enriched me at all levels and has helped to be stronger and more serene. Patrizia
Patrizia Ballarin
Dear Lucia and Nicola. How nice it was to meet you and take part in the course in Thailand. I brought home so many beautiful ideas and resolutions, and I’m finding the time to implement them. Nicola’s suggestions are precious. What I liked: the practicality of the advice, the dedication, the organization, the variety of experiences, the massages. Lucia’s teachings: what a good … excellent exposure, bright, inspirational and yet filled with practical advice and examples. I’m enthusiastic about it. In this course there is magic. Lucia and Nicola know how to create it. A hug
Alberzo Zamperla
I left home a little massacred, and I returned from the trip in full joy and inner peace… A real inner journey in the outer journey ….. thanks again …. “FRANCA CAMPOLI
Franca Campoli
(Veroli – Fr)
This course has helped me to make peace with myself and my beautiful imperfection and fallibility, Lucia and Nicola were present and indispensable along this intense journey full of emotions, the staff and classmates were a perfect corollary of emotions, exchange, gifts. I come out of it enriched and grateful. Ilaria, Geneva
This course was my first real opportunity to be with myself for 8 full days! I believe it never happened to me! I had difficulty and resistance, but it was a unique feeling. I “lightened” myself from weights and tensions without even realizing it. I felt confidence growing in me like a small flower that shyly wants to bloom but is strong from a light that I had never felt in me. I thank everyone for having been there and obviously Lucia and Nicola for allowing me to “be finally seen” by the one person I really want to love. Lorna herself
“A powerful mix of everything that makes Life a journey of Love: sharing the beautiful, the sacred, being fragile and strong at the same time, all in continuous discovery of different places and times and recognizable as typical of humanity All guided by the continuous and loving attentions and inspirations of Lucia and Nicola who with skill, elegance and profound professionalism always know where to get to each other
Donatella Ariotti
I feel regenerated, it was a week full of emotions, several moments of emotion … I know to process everything will take some time, for the moment I feel richer. Lucia and Nicola, I can tell you only thank you !! Thank you for the attention and encouragement you have given to everyone with competence and humanity. I hope there will bemore possibilities for study with you.
A twofold wonderful journey. The inner that is represented by the outer with its areas of light and shadow. A different path every day that has led me to live strong emotions, energetically reloading the body, finding peace in the mind and connecting with the heart. Thank you, Lucia and Nicola! Thanks to the whole group
A journey to repeat in order to discover new friendships and new paths of life. It was the Best gift I could have given to myself! In addition to a lovely holiday which enabled me to discover the places, customs, and traditions I knew little about, the participation in the course “Spirituality, Vitality and Wellbeing 2014” has offered many new stimuli and guided me to a higher and ever new awareness of myself. Lucia and Nicola have been excellent organizers in making our stay as comfortable as possible, are two friendly travel companions and with their inexhaustible energy, sympathy, simplicity, they manage to convey in their work, a lot of love and passion for life … With deep gratitude.
Rosalba Bove
This course helped me to take the first step on the road of trust. Thanks again.
A journey that helps youacquire simple and practical tools for everyday life, like all other BlessYou courses. Doing so in such environments increases the ease of connection with ourselves and with nature and with others. Doing it in couple with my husband has been an impressive growth for both of us, and we now feel the desire to do many things together. I feel like I’ve been here my whole life and I’ve always known my traveling companions. Thanks, see you next year!
Leslye Pario
Dear Lucia and Nicola, thank you for the beautiful days spent together, I am a person of few words, but I have a heart full of gratitude and love for all you have done to make this incredible journey unforgettable. I already booked for next year!
Amalita Ricci
L’atmosfera speciale che si è creata, l’organizzazione amorevole che avete messo per rendere “speciale” questo corso. Un viaggio all’interno di se stessi che entra e conta fino alla fine dei propri giorni sulla terra. Siete unici!!
Lucia and Nicola, a big thank you! For the love that I could breathe every day next to you. Thank you for all the delicacies and kindnesses you have given us. I am sincerely grateful for all I have had during these beautiful 8 days. This course pushed me to look at myself. I found the happy little girl that I was. And I understood that it is up to me to bring it back together with the woman in me who has gained wisdom and awareness in life.
Un viaggio che ci ha permesso di rinascere l’uno nelle braccia dell’altro, che ci ha dato la possibilità di condividere nuove emozioni e di rafforzare il nostro essere e stare insieme.
Leslye and Fabio
The work you did was great … and it progresses within me with an intense and deep force !!
A unique experience that fills the soul and the body with pure LOVE and GRATITUDE and thereby transform your life. Two words for Lucia and Nicola: you are simply and immensely LOVE and LIGHT. Thank you very much for everything, you are special! With immense love.
The love you transmitted us has become extremely tangible in the group. I bring this love joy, peace and abundance back home with me. Thank you!
A unique experience that combines personal growth and sharing in lightness and depth. To be done at least once in your life, because after you are no longer the same.
Mi ha aiutato ad aumentare la consapevolezza di come è tutto magico intorno a noi: l’universo, le persone, le situazioni, di come tutto è come deve essere quando si è nel cammino della consapevolezza. Grazie!
I left full of sadness and full of insecurities; in front of my eyes, there was only dark. Now spring has blossomed within me, I am rich of love, and my eyes are full of light.
A course of profound inner transformation from which all our fears come out and, discovering them, we can face and resolve them. Thank you!
E’ farsi un regalo, regalarsi due settimane in un luogo dove ricaricarsi e potersi concentrare su se stessi, senza giudizio, senza influenze esterne e attorniati da persone meravigliose che fanno lo stesso cammino e condividono gioie e difficoltà in un supporto amorevole che è difficile trovare in altre realtà.
It was a crazy experience, a journey to discover myself, to share with wonderful people like me who have a great desire to change and improve their lives. And then Lucia and Nicola, two wonderful souls who took care of me / us and helped me giving me peace and immense love. Thank you! This experience has changed my life, they should do it all !! Thank you!
Nicola e Lucia i migliori per farti vivere un’esperienza unica e di grande utilità per la tua crescita personale! Grazie di cuore…Vi voglio un mare di bene!!
I thank Lucia and Nicola for accompanying me gently inside of me. I was expecting anything else … and I rediscover how beautiful it is to love and reflect love in the universe. Thank you!
This was the most significant holiday of my life. Discovering fundamental aspects of me through the exercises of this course gave a strong boost to my spiritual growth. I go home with some answers and lots of new questions and especially with the desire to discover other even more sides of me and, using the tools received during the course, becoming the best possible person.
E’ un corso fantastico! L’anno scorso ho ritrovato la forza e la determinazione. Sono rientrata e la mia vita si è trasformata. Quest’anno ho sperimentato pace mentale e amore incondizionato e ho migliorato moltissimo la relazione con me stessa. L’anno prossimo torno!”
The experience has been superior to the brightest prospects and expectations: I have never experienced such an experience in terms of emotions, love, compassion and understanding with people never known before
A unique and unforgettable course has brought miracles into my life!
When I returned to Belgium, my friends asked me if I had a facelift. You look younger than 10 years, everyone told me. It was not easy to explain that it was the benefits of the course! Thanks to Lucia, Nicola, and the staff
Lucia and Nicola have a great ability to create an environment where everyone, regardless of nationality or age, feels at home.
This course was my rebirth. An infinite thanks to Lucia and Nicola for their love, their knowledge, and their presence. It has really been a dream trip. Lucia, Nicola and the staff guide you by the hand to wonderful discoveries inside and outside of you. A course to be repeated!
I received beautiful gifts from the discovery of myself during the course. Plus, it was a great honor to visit Thailand with two such exceptional guides
We were thinking about getting a divorce and thanks to this course our couple is reborn! We are still using the exercises and rituals that we have learned and, despite the challenges of life, we feel closer every day. Thank you!
Stefano and Ilaria
The first memories of my life are set in Africa, where I lived most of my childhood and adolescence, immersed in the pain and beauty of that unforgettable land.
In Europe I then worked as a model but, having reached the peak of my career, I left everything behind.Too strong was the call to interiority, to the essential values of life, the desire to try to improve the conditions of every living being and contribute to the evolution of this planet is too high.From this comes my passion and profession.
Doctorate in Psychology and Counseling Bachelor in PsychoAntropology Master Trainer of Firewalking Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Neuro-Semantics (US ISNS) Certified Coach (ACMC Usa) Breathwork Master Trainer International Affiliate of the American Psychological Association.
Lucia is the Heal Your Life Louise Hay method for Italy and Italian Switzerland, prestigious international media like The Times of India, Marie France Asia or La Stampa Italy have often defined Lucia like: “the Italian Louise Hay.” Founder of the A whole new life® method, co-founder of BlessYou International, co-director of the NLP and Coaching School LUCE® Free University of Evolutionary Growth, coordinator of Western Europe of the Facilitators of the Labyrinth Veriditas USA.
Author of over 13 books including the best sellers, translated into several languages: “A whole new LIfe”, “I deserve the best,” “Free your life,” “Raw food is ready,” and numerous CDs and DVDs, which have helped thousands of people to live better.
In her work there is a particular synergy between psychology, motivational practices, and ancient rituals, making her seminars something unique and original.
She is consistently sought by groups and companies because of her great seminars and known for the clarity, sincerity, and inspiration of her formidable work.
“I’ve always tried to improve myself and the life of those around me: people, animals, the planet. I have always worked for the rights of those who have no voice, a commitment taken as a child under the sky of Africa, a promise that I try to honor every day”
As a child I was curious and a dreamer, and like many I thought I would be an astronaut when I grew up. Growing up I studied and gained experience in various fields, until when I was thirty, I felt the need to know deeply who I was, what my real talents were and how I could express them to develop my greater self.Having done it on me, obtaining results that I would never have imagined before, I decided to put my knowledge also at the service of others. Today, helping people realize is my passion, and profession. I get up every morning to challenge the status quo so people can make a difference in their personal and professional lives.
Degree in Law Doctorate in Psychology-Counseling Master Trainer of Firewalking Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Neuro-Semantics (ISNS) and Executive Coach (ACMC) Rebirther professional Advanced Teacher Louise Hay Black belt 1st dan of Karate and Tai-Chi
Lawyer Technical-scientific consultant of the University of Padua, Department of Economics Teaching for Il Sole 24 ORE (Training24Ore) of negotiation and communication courses International Affiliate of the American Psychological Association (APA) Co-founder of BlessYou! Co-director of the NLP School and Coaching LUCE® Free University of Evolutionary Growth Co-director of the Italian Institute of Neuro-Semantics Author of “Easy Negotiation” Sperling & Kupfer editions